Gumshoe BrandingGumshoe Branding


Who we work with

Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself;

but talent instantly recognizes genius.”

We focus on maverick service-based businesses because they aren’t status quo, and have something valuable to share with the world, but don’t know how to share it. In fact, we have a real soft spot for smaller businesses because it’s a challenge to start and grow a business to achieve a vision. Smaller businesses are the real underdogs of the world, competing with larger local, regional, national, or international businesses that have far more resources and economies of scale working in their favour. We like to help them create thriving, authentic firms that level the playing field.

It’s All About People

We prefer to work with hands-on owners who are passionate about their businesses, not with teams or committees, because we enjoy the close personal relationships.

To us, each project is an exciting investigation of different personalities and possibilities. It’s the owner’s passion and personality that instills their business with its unique culture, and gives it’s brand and website its power—that gives it life.

Each project takes on a life of its own—no cookie cutter approaches—and who knows what that life will reveal? That’s what’s so exciting about what we do.

If This is You, We’re Meant to be a Team

In general, we work with business owners who:

  • Like to have fun! If there’s no fun in the process, there’s no point in doing it.
  • Appreciate creativity, art – when things are done well.
  • Are non-conformists — not just blindly doing what everyone else does.
  • Don’t settle for mediocrity.
  • Hate it when someone makes a promise but doesn’t deliver.
  • Are open-minded or even off the wall—willing to entertain new insights and innovative ideas.
  • Understand that our work is an investment, not an expense.
  • Know what they don’t know, and let others do what they’re good at.
  • Are open to doing something unique and interesting.
  • Are open to and inspired by new ideas.
Think Big