Gumshoe BrandingGumshoe Branding


 CALGARY BRANDING AGENCY: Helping small businesses think BIG

“A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or organization.”


Let’s face it, as a small business owner you likely have some reservations, blocks, or even fears about putting yourself “out there.” After all, you’re up against some big players on your turf who make you feel small. Chances are you started your own business because you didn’t enjoy being locked in to doing things their way. The bigger players tend to be resistant to new ideas.


Generally, they like to do things the way they’ve always been done, and rest on their laurels. And they’re all pretty much the same. Hey, it works for them.

But that’s not for you. No, you have your own way of doing things and your own gifts to share with the world. And that’s likely why you started your own business instead of working for big business.
Chances are you were very excited to go out on your own and build a business your way. And then the fear handcuffed you. How do you compete against those big players? Certainly not by thinking small, but by putting yourself “out there.” But that’s something you’ve never had to do. And maybe it scares you.


So you stay small. Sure you get some business from referrals and maybe even from some marketing and ads, but you’re not growing the way you wanted to. It might feel like you’re on a treadmill. You just can’t seem to get anywhere.

But you don’t have to beat yourself up about it. It’s very common for small business owners to feel that way.

How do you break free and think big?

Simple. You may not realize it, but your business has a brand. It just hasn’t been uncovered yet and shown to the world. Once you uncover your brand, you’ll get the confidence to put yourself “out there” and start realizing your business dreams.

We’ve helped many small business owners get unstuck and think big, and we can help you too with our Brand Discovery service.

want to learn more about branding?

Check out some of the pages below for more insight into what an authentic brand can do for your business.

the benefits of branding your business

Do you believe that branding is only for the big players like Apple, Nike, or Disney?
All those big players were once small players—very small players. Their brands were in place long before they became the giants they are. In fact, their brands probably played an important role in their growth.

There are many benefits to branding your small business. Check out our top 9.

the power of Emotions

Why do thousands of people line up for hours to buy the latest iPhone from Apple? There are other good smartphones on the market, but none create the same frenzy when they’re released.

A number of neuro-scientific and marketing studies have shown that buying decisions are emotional

Brand Identitythe power of first impressions

It happens so fast there’s not enough time for thinking to take part in the decision. Various research studies suggest that first impressions are formed within a minute of an encounter with a person or a situation. In fact, one study concluded that an impression of another person is formed in just a fraction of a second—a “blink”—which leaves no time for thinking.

brand equity

It happens so fast there’s not enough time for thinking to take part in the decision. Various research studies suggest that first impressions are formed within a minute of an encounter with a person or a situation. In fact, one study concluded that an impression of another person is formed in just a fraction of a second—a “blink”—which leaves no time for thinking.

brand strategy authenticity

What kind of personality adjectives do we apply to businesses? Apple is innovative, creative; Southwest Airlines is fun and friendly; Virgin Airlines is rebellious; Mercedes is classy; Jeep is adventurous; Prius is frugal and environmentally conscious.

What’s the authentic personality of your business?

brand marketing: sell your sizzle

“Hidden in everything you sell, whether a tangible or an intangible, are “sizzles.” Find them and use them to start the sale. Then, after desire has been established in the prospect’s thinking, you can bring in the necessary technical points.”  ELMER WHEELER

What’s you big sizzle? Your authentic brand.

be yourself

Many people say that your branding should be influenced by your customers’ wants and needs.

We don’t buy into that. People’s wants and needs change and if that’s your focus, you’re going to be constantly rebranding. As Steve Jobs said: “Why do we want to ask what our audience thinks? We don’t care what they think.” And why should you care? You don’t ask your friends to shape your personality, so why would you ask your customers to shape your business’s personality? Your business’s personality can only come from you.

Ready to Uncover your authentic Brand?

It’s time to start thinking big, baby. How would you feel about your business if you started thinking that way? Sure it can be scary, but what’s worse: being stuck in the smallness, or saying “enough of that. I’m ready to finally break free of my small thinking”?
Check out our Brand Discovery service, and then contact us today to start THINKING BIG.

“Malcolm and the Team at Gumshoe were pivotal in our transformation. They took the time to get to know us, and put forward a brand story and a website that has been a real home run for our business. When we’ve wanted to make changes, Malcolm has always offered measured advice. I would recommend this team to any business owner who is ready for transformation.” — Clayton Achen, Achen Henderson LLP

Think Big